I need to re-build a Server 2008 R2 instance, but I don’t want to lose all the current Active Directory info, what’s the best way to go about it?
The reason I’m rebuilding over repairing is great, as the server has many issues (I inherited them from previous IT):
- Cannot upgrade domain forest functionality level from 2000 to 2008
- Cannot download Windows updates
- Cannot use Enterprise anti-virus agents
- SQL Server is non-functional
- Roles/Feautures error out, and won’t even let you view the list
- Partition structure is messed up
Any one or two of these issues, and I’d just try to repair the server, but at this point; unless there’s no way to safely migrate the AD users/permissions, I think I’m better off with a clean install.
Install another AD server, replicate AD information, then rebuild the original? You should have more than one AD server; they’d replicate your information (except for specific roles.) That’s supposed to protect from having an AD server crash or losing connectivity, so your network continues to function with most of the functionality.
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